Category Archives: Barabara Rosenblat

Spring Reading Ideas

Hi All,

The green is appearing once again in Minnesota so its time to bring some Spring reading ideas.

Here’s the latest from one one of my favorite authors:

Lindsay’s Book Chat

I’m enjoying a mystery thriller that makes you think of things that go bump in the night and laugh out loud at some at Kathy Reichs’s witticisms in her book “Deja Dead”. I like the audiobook so the narrator Barbara Rosenblat is also a favorite of mine. It’s like listening to a one woman play very well done.

Smile Amazon Deja Dead Book Link

If you use Amazon and audible for your audiobook purchases remember to link to where you can pick the charity of your choice while getting much enjoyment from all the products available on Amazon.

Take some time today to begin a new book and take an arm chair journey to places near and far.

Reading is fundamental to leaning about the world around you and the many personalities all around you.


Melissa Blanchard