Category Archives: Medieval Cooking

Recommend “A Summer Bewitchment” (The Knight and The Witch Book 2)

The next book in the story of Efrida and Magnus. A whole new adventure building on the love affair that first began in “Snow Bride”.

Lindsay Townsend has captured the true love that Efrida, an elfin witch and Magnus, a knight touched by the sword in battle, find in a cold winters search for a lost sister in the first book and brings a new depth to the relationship in Book 2.

“A summer Bewitchment” finds the couple into a new adventure to help find stolen young women from an evil man.

In the process Elrida and Magnus discover a deeper love than either had been aware of before this chapter of their life.

Both books are well worth checking out. You will travel back in time to a world of horses as the main source of transportation and nights lit by candles and fire flames. I enjoyed the trip.

Where the love affair begins.. Lindsay Townsend “The Snow Bride” follow the link to find out more
The love affair continues into a new depth of feeling A Summer Bewitchment by Lindsay Townsend click to find out more

Winter Holiday Reading Suggestions for 2020

Two fantastic offers from author Lindsay Townsend. Follow the links below to learn more.

Follow this link to learn more about The Snow Bride:
Follow this link to learn more on 6 book set: from Lindsay Townsend and friends. A great price for hours of reading pleasure

I Recommend The Viking and the Pictish Princess by Lindsay Townsend

I like how the lady in the tale is strong and capable. The love she finds is a sharing and endearing relationship. Hardships are met and overcome by working together.

I recommend to all that enjoy romance and history combined to show something beyond the ordinary. Link to The Viking and the Pictish Princess

The Viking and the Pictish Princess by Lindsay Townsend

Recommend “The Master Cook and the Maiden”

I just completed reading “The Master Cook and the Maiden”. The story was full of adventure and happenstance that led to romance and hope. I hope you take some time to learn of Alfwen and Swain as they meet and explore the purpose for their time on earth with all the beauty and danger that comes with living. 

I recommend reading Lindsay Townsend’s books. The reader travels back in time to a place full of magic and love.

To learn more about where to find books by Lindsay check out here website at:

Travel back in time as you stay safely in your home. Life is full of possibilities you just have to look for them.