Category Archives: e-book

A New Romance Novel from Lindsay Townsend

The Viking and the Pictish Princess Lindsay Townsend blog Link

Follow the link above to find out more about Lindsay Townsend’s latest book, “The Viking and the Pictish Princess”.

A Viking adventure full of mystery and bravery against the odds but I believe wit will out do brawn.

Take a chance on love winning the fight and click on Lindsay Townsend blog above. It’s worth the trip.

A book of adventure and hope

Fall Reading Recommdations

Lindsay Townsend one of my favorite authors has some books on offer for Fall reading. Follow the link above to learn more.

Image from Lindsay Townsend’s website featured in the above link.

Find mystery, love & hope in Lindsay’s books. Enjoy

“The English Daughter” by Lindsay Townsend

The English Daughter Cover Image from an Internet Google search on the phrase: The English Daughter, by Lindsay Townsend

“The English Daughter,” by Lindsay Townsend is a beautifully written romantic suspense novel showing the same mastery of the genre as Phyllis A. Whitney in her novel “Hunter’s Green”.

How do I explain the significance of this style of writing?  Scenes so well crafted I can see the characters in my mind’s eye.  Flowing movement of the players in quiet desperation to escape an evil force that is not fully identified until the very end.

“The English Daughter,” is about life and death with a tender romance that heals Val’s self-image.  The love scenes are tasteful and allow for imagination – they are not the focus of the tale.  The mystery of Val’s dreams and the unknown killer is the purpose of the telling.

First, I traveled to Corfu in Val’s dream – vivid and dark, where she witnesses a crime she could not have seen.  Then I arrive in the beautiful Corfu – a place I’ve never been but feel as though I’ve been there through the brilliant depictions designed by Lindsay.

Beautiful landscapes, towns and intense sunlight is the backdrop where the crime was committed.  Lindsay also uses Val’s vocation of piano restorer in the narrative. She weaves the intricacies of restoring wood to its original unblemished state into the healing of her cast.

Why do I recommend this book to all that enjoy romantic suspense? The account of Val’s life and travels in the here and now and in her dreams brings fulfillment to me as a reader. All of Lindsay Townsend’s work has had this impact on me. Her writing is a reminder to me of why I love reading books. Examing her work now takes me back to the stories I read as a teenager finding ideas of stories I’d like to explore from my Grandma Effie’s book of the month club. When yarns were written to engage the reader and take them on an adventure of discovery. “The English Daughter,” is a story that appeals to all generations and all genders. I hope you take the time to look up this book and take a trip to Corfu.

I enjoyed the audiobook production of this story as well. The narrator, Michelle Ford, does an excellent job of telling the account. Her voice is very melodic keeping me absorbed in the descriptive tale as I listen to it over and over.

I bought the audiobook from the following source:

Kindle e-book is available at the link below

Learn of other points of purchase at Lindsay Townsend’s blog: