Category Archives: Jon Meacham

Book Browsing Virtually

Hi All,

In these days of staying at home as the best option to survival for some. I was thinking of how much fun it was to go to a bookstore and search for my next adventure.

I found the Barnes and Noble website and realized I could remember the store experience as I used the website – the look and feel is so familiar to when I would stop in to shop it was like coming home.

I found my next summer reading selections:

“One Yuletide Knight” by Lindsay Townsend Lindsay Townsend Browsing Link

I choose this book for a little Yuletide adventure in July. It also features one of my favorite authors and a chance to meet many more in the shared author experience.

“Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man” by Mary L. Trump Ph. D. This one is featured on the website Bestseller Link for Author Mary L Trump Ph.D. With knowledge comes power. I choose this after watching the interview on MSNBC Rachel Maddow’s show a special repeat of this interview is schedule for Sunday at 10 p.m. central time.

I’ve been interested in politics since my Grandma used to describe the fun she had attending the Republican State Convention in Des Moines, IA. She always had a smile and loved to read. She understood that to have a democracy all people need to be involved. Please vote responsibility this year, get the facts, go beyond what you see on TV and hear on talk radio. Research is what is needed to make the most of your vote.

“Mr. Putin: Operative in the Kremlin” (New and Expanded Edition) by Fiona Hill. I remembered hearing her testify at the impeachment hearing. She has never come off as a partisan but as a public servant in her testimony and 60 minute interview she always kept to the facts and gave people credit for their ideas. She is a team player and one of the most knowledgeable people in US today on what Putin is all about. I’ve heard the most important thing anyone can do is get to know their enemy so I wanted to read Fiona Hill’s book. Fiona Hill browsing link

A good subject to know more about from an intelligent and well spoken professional Ms Fiona Hill.

“The SOUL of AMERICA The battle for Our Better Angels” by Jon Meacham a best selling author and historian.

I choose this book because I like Jon Meacham’s historical analysis of how US formed and where we are headed. He has good insights so I wanted to learn more.

All the books are on order and shipping out soon. Ms Fiona Hill’s book is available on the NOOK app and there’s an app for iPad, iPhone and Google play. Take a little bit of time to check out a virtual bookstore today. Happy reading.