Category Archives: SusanEricksen

Recommend JD Robb’s Concealed In Death

I just finished listening to JD Robb’s Concealed In Death audiobook. Every book in the In Death series gets just a little better than the last. This one is no exception and very special in how Eve finds and handles the murderer.

What stays the same is how Susan Ericksen presents each character. Each one unique and easily discerned as I listened. JD Robb’s dialog is always flowing and adaptable to reading but Susan’s ability to give each character their own sound makes identifying them easy.

Brilliance Audio produces an excellent show that reminds me of the best of old time radio programs. Find downloads for purchase at

I was also surprised to find the audiobook on iTunes which made my listening totally portable with great sound quality on my iPad. Here’s the link to buy

I’m a fan of the In Death Series and have all of the audiobooks that were made by Brilliance Audio. I do a marathon listening session every year, (since 2008) or so and always find something new to appreciate in the recordings.

What a gift – excellent writing and narration thanks to JD Robb – (Nora Roberts) and Susan Ericksen for their beautiful work on this series. I hope the books continue for a very long time.

To learn more about JD Robb books and her fans check out and JD Robb also does book signings – see – Turn the Page Bookstore for scheduled events – signed copies are available virtually for those unable to attend in person in Boonsboro, Maryland.