Category Archives: JDRBookReviews

Happy Mother’s Day

Hi All,

I hope you are enjoying the Spring where you are. It’s sunny in Minneapolis. I’ve been gardening see pictures here:

I’ve been listening to JD Robb’s latest In Death Book too, “Connections In Death”. Very well written & narrated by Susan Erickson. This series is about developing family connections beyond those related to you. It’s a community of characters helping one another out while doing their jobs. I recommend this series to all that enjoy crime drama & finding connections worth holding onto.

Check out another great author here:

Lindsay Townsend never disappoints with her witty & timely stories of suspense & romance. Stories that inspire. Worth a click to check out her stories.

May you all find the hope of Spring & enjoy some outside time maybe with family, friends, passerby or a friendly clerk. Smile not only do you feel better doing it you find wonderful connections.

A beautiful view from my terrace garden. Find your view

Recommend JD Robb’s Survivor In Death

I’m traveling to Boonsboro, Maryland for the November 1st book signing event at Turn The Page Bookstore Cafe see this link for further details:

I’ve been listening to the In Death Series on digital audio and just completed book 20 in the series.
SURVIVOR IN DEATH AUDIO (select for prices)

This title is available via this link:

Summerset shines in this continuing story of the crime busting, Lieutenant Eve Dallas.  10 year old Nixie Swisher finds solace with Summerset when Lieutenant Dallas needs to keep her safe in the fortress Roarke built.
JD Robb writes several moving and vivid scenes in “Survivor In Death”.  The most memorable was the trip to the morgue to take Nixie to say goodbye to her murdered family.  Every time I read this section of the book I cry.  It reminds me so much of those I’ve said goodbye to as a child and adult.  The crowning scene though is when Nixie goes back to Lieutenant Eve and Roarke’s house and sits with Summerset.  Brings tears to my eyes just remembering the moment between them. Take some time today and experience these touching scenes.  This story is also a great Fall book – I love how Peabody describes the falling leaves and how bare the trees are after all the leaves have gone before the first snow falls.  So true to the mid-west and New York too. May you find comfort for any loses you’ve experienced as you read “Survivor In Death”. Peace.

Recommend JD Robb’s Festive In Death


I recommend “Festive In Death”, by J.D. Robb.

Trina needs to tag Eve in this story when a friend finds herself in a situation that demands the services of a murder cop.

J.D. Robb delivers in this fresh In Death tale of double crossing lovers and a conniving personal trainer.

I didn’t figure out who did the murder until the very end.  The journey to finding the murderer is brilliantly interwoven with Christmas shopping, and preparing for the annual gala thrown at Lieutenant Dallas and Roarke palatial home.

J.D. Robb  is an artist painting a word picture with fantastic dialog and narration that is completely engrossing.  The world and characters that make up the In Death series is maintained and consistent with each new release.  Festive In Death develops Trina in a new way without taking away from the core players that all fans love so well.

Susan Ericksen, In Death narrator in the audiobooks, does an excellent job bringing each character to life with her voice inflection and flowing delivery of the script.  I purchased my copy with my iPhone at the iTunes store.  Listening to the reading is like attending a play.  Every move, feeling and expression is represented during the telling.

I appreciate both the hard copy and the audiobook each have their own gifts to bring to the story and reader.

Thank you J.D. Robb for writing another best seller that stays true to the beautiful characters you have created over the years.  I also appreciate the signed copy – you know how to treat your fans and I’m happy to be one.

Turn The Page Bookstore Cafe is also something I’m grateful for – offering book signings both on site and virtually.  I know it takes a lot of work to track all the orders and get them safely to their destinations.  Thanks to one and all.


In Death Series Fan,

Melissa Blanchard


Why I Recommend “Delusion in Death” In Death, Book 35 by J.D. Robb Book & Audiobook?

What do you look for in a good mystery?

First thing I want is a complex crime that takes some time solving. I want a strong detective that thinks through their search in a way I can share. The criminal(s) needs to have some moves that keep police guessing.

These key elements are in every J.D. Robb story. “Delusion in Death” is no exception.

The crime is particularly nasty because friends are viciously killing friends, no apparent reason is on scene, and they are dying in very large numbers.  The time of the murders is also ironic – during Happy Hour.

Eve – a strong, smart female Lieutenant of Detectives at NYPSD – knows there’s more going on than just a bad day.  She starts her investigation with her usual style – all business. Her methodical search gives me a look into the criminal mind and the motives that drive them.

“Delusion in Death” brings out the best in Eve helping her learn more about how she thinks so I, as the reader, find insight into my own thoughts.  Always more than just the main story in J.D. Robb books.  When I study the story I acquire knowledge about human nature, what it takes to keep sanity on a job, and maintain a happy, healthy home life in a stressful career.

Give “Delusion in Death” a look – you won’t be disappointed.

Why try the audiobook? Because Susan Ericksen is the narrator of the series!  She creates characters I recognize from tone and inflection alone.  Emotions come out as the story unfolds.  Better than any old time radio drama by far.

The number one reason to try the audio J.D. Robb writes dialog that’s real (doesn’t describe every conversation with said, or asked, for examples – the text flows together without identifying every nuance of the speech).  You’ll never find yourself keying in on and counting phrases like “he said” or “she said” instead of what the book is about.

Where I buy J.D. Robb is at the following links:


My Favorite for Nora Roberts and J.D. Robb books, audiobooks and movies:

Book and Kindle:

Recommend JD Robb’s Concealed In Death

I just finished listening to JD Robb’s Concealed In Death audiobook. Every book in the In Death series gets just a little better than the last. This one is no exception and very special in how Eve finds and handles the murderer.

What stays the same is how Susan Ericksen presents each character. Each one unique and easily discerned as I listened. JD Robb’s dialog is always flowing and adaptable to reading but Susan’s ability to give each character their own sound makes identifying them easy.

Brilliance Audio produces an excellent show that reminds me of the best of old time radio programs. Find downloads for purchase at

I was also surprised to find the audiobook on iTunes which made my listening totally portable with great sound quality on my iPad. Here’s the link to buy

I’m a fan of the In Death Series and have all of the audiobooks that were made by Brilliance Audio. I do a marathon listening session every year, (since 2008) or so and always find something new to appreciate in the recordings.

What a gift – excellent writing and narration thanks to JD Robb – (Nora Roberts) and Susan Ericksen for their beautiful work on this series. I hope the books continue for a very long time.

To learn more about JD Robb books and her fans check out and JD Robb also does book signings – see – Turn the Page Bookstore for scheduled events – signed copies are available virtually for those unable to attend in person in Boonsboro, Maryland.