
“…. All of us…

…. All of us want people to treat us with kindness and respect. We get upset when they don’t. To make ourselves unupsettable, Easwaran says, the secret is simple: treat others with the kindness and respect we want for ourselves. We can’t change them, after all. If we want less friction, our only practical choice is to make changes in ourselves.
Does that mean we can expect people to treat us with kindness when we do this? No, though I think they’re much more likely to. What Easwaran is saying is that when we speak and act with kindness, we make ourselves so secure that others’ unkindness doesn’t shake us.

From Strength in the Storm: Transform stress, live in balance and find peace of mind find this book at this link http://www.amazon.com/Strength-Storm-Transform-Stress-Balance-ebook/dp/B00FIP6IY4/ref=sr_1_2_title_0_main?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1393282694&sr=1-2&keywords=strength+in+the+storm.

I bring this quote forward because I saw a note about how do you find closure.  As I apply the many life changing ideas found in Eknath Easwaran book, Strength in the Storm:  Transform stress, live in balance and find peace of mind, I have found closure to many negative thoughts, relationships and destructive actions.  Making these changes in my own thinking has brought me peace of mind and a conclusion to all of the self-doubt I was experiencing.  I hope sharing this quote is of help to all of you weathering a storm. May you find the comfort I found from Easwaran’s wisdom and stories. Remember all we have is the moment and I’m thankful for it. 


Melissa Blanchard. 

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